Event Report (Interpreter Training Seminar (Education Edition))
On Saturday, September 21st, Promity Fuchinobe held a "Practical Interpretation Training Seminar (Education Edition)". This time, Ms. Yumiko Shimomura from the Japan Association for Public Interpretation Support was invited as the lecturer, and in the first half of the seminar, participants were given a lecture on the basics and knowledge of school interpreting. In the second half, participants were divided into groups and participated in a simple role-play related to school interpreting. Approximately 30 people who are volunteer interpreters or have an interest in school interpreting participated in this training.
In the lecture, he explained that the term "school interpreting" includes (1) interpreting between people who speak different languages and translating their words to convey them to the other person, and (2) support work using a foreign language to help students and parents become accustomed to Japanese schools, and that it is important to check what the client is looking for in a school interpreter before starting work in order not to confuse these two tasks. He also explained that it is important to understand that there is a big difference between interpreting in elementary and junior high schools, which are compulsory education, and interpreting in high schools when interpreting at school.
In addition, all participants shared examples of good and bad volunteer interpreters, deepened their understanding of the mindset and points to keep in mind when working as a volunteer interpreter, and confirmed what they should keep in mind to become better volunteer interpreters.
Instructor Shimomura's lecture was highly practical and based on the knowledge and experience he has gained from his many years of involvement in school interpreting. The content and objectives of the lecture were very clear and easy to understand, and many participants expressed their gratitude, saying that the lecture was very helpful for their future work as school interpreters and that they would like to actively put into practice what he taught.
Sagamihara International Lounge will continue to hold practical training sessions for interpreters and work to train volunteer interpreters in order to create a comfortable living environment for foreigners living in Sagamihara City. We appreciate your understanding and support for the activities of our lounge and our volunteer interpreters.